Tuesday, April 5, 2011

coffee basee

    well this is x exactly about coffee basi.. :)
sure ramai yg senyum bace head notes ni rte?
but m olah skit watak2..n plots
here M share wt u all..
   Theres a couple..loving couple..
franco d guy name..while d gal name.. neida
there love each other n plan 4d  future..
meantime they also have a besty name Johan..
each of them ni ade they own caracter yg buat diorg bonding strongly..
  so,mane2 diorang pegi mesti same2..dr study sampaila tempat hangout..
movies..chill sume same2..all of them minat korean..wee!! ring ding dong!

franco n neida ade satu faveret bistro..diorg slalu dating kat sane.. :)
mase dating..neida akan order coffee cz tat franco favourte,while
franco akan order hot choc 4 his sweetheart..
while listenin to lagu kalau berpacaran :))
so mase berlalu begitu pantas..diam x diam dah 2 yrs couple..

one fine day..franco sakit kepale n masuk wad..
neida org yg paling worried skali cz buah hati die masuk h0spital..
siang malam die jga franco..so do Johan..
diorg gilir2 jaga franco..bile reports keluar it shws franco ade
 brain cancer level 3
GOD! tat moment rase mcm bangunan runtuh atas kepale..
mmg sgt x boleh diterima lah kan? its so sad ..
 bermula hari tu neida habiskan hari2 die takin care of her beloved bf..
same juga dgn johan..diorg habiskan mase sebaik mungkin b wt franco..
make him laugh..etc..
so..to make it short..d day pun tibe..
one fine day..Franco pergi mengadap Tuhan.... :'(

Neida..yang paling xboleh terima kenyataan..
die sgt sedih..xnak makan..xboleh buat ape2 pun..
hari2 die dgr lagu sdh..cinta...atas nama cinta..Butterfly fly away..
russian roulette..winter sonata..segala bagai la..
 tiap2 petang die akan pegi ke bistro tempat die n her bf slalu dating..
dan die akan order coffee...
setiap kali die order die xpenah minum...ths thng happened hampir a month..
kawan2 n family cube advise her but theres no use..she still d same.
even Johan d besty pun xdpt nak advice juga cz xjalan..
so Johan dapat satu idea..

satu petang Johan follow Neida senyap2 dr belakang..
..die pun masuk ke bistro tu n berjumpa dgn tuan punye bistro..after few minutes talkin..
tuan bistro setuju dgn kehendak Johan..

back to d table..neida dgn sdhnye wait 4her coffee..
so..within  a minutes dtgla waiter hantar coffee Neida order tu..
Neida pun mula pegang cup tu..n tibe2 die naik hangin!
cz coffee tu sejuk n smell kureng nice..
so die pun angkatla muka nak marah waiter..
n guess wat?? she so suprised cz..
d waiter yg hantar c0ffee tu Johan!
nEida x jadi marah n terus terduduk..

 thes time Johan pla main peranan..die pun buka la mulut bersuara..
die ckp.."minumla..y x nak minum?? hari2 kan u order coffee"
"y xnak minum??..
"sebab dah sejuk? sebab dah basi?
"nell,Franco tu dah xde..dah mati..
"samela macam coffee ni beb..sejuk n basi..
"sedar lah beb..move foward..this is not d end of d world!
"buat ape u nak benda yg same?benda yg dah basi?
 "u need yg Fresh..yg New..yg Hot..

"please la sedar..xguna meratap sedih beb..
"hidup kite kene teruskan..no matter ape jadi sekalipun..
"dah..jom balik!
neida ckp..jap! wait! bg i HORLICKS bole?
Johan dgn senyum lebarnye pun..angguk2 tanda boleh! yeayy!
tibe2 bistro on lagu  sandarkan pd kenangan....aha! mcm tetahu jea.. :p

* so,moral of d story is..xmatter wat happen..life need to move 0n..
xboleh hidup dlm dalam kenangan lame..
ape yg tejadi tu kite boleh jadikan guide utk kite move foward..
to be a better person n to have a great life! InsyaAllah..
happiness always frens..muahxx !!
kite minum dulu!!

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